-- card: 16621 from stack: in.1 -- bmap block id: 16871 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 10029 -- name: ----- HyperTalk script ----- -- part 14 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=76 top=211 right=242 bottom=107 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 30145 / 30145 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp set the hilight of me to not the hilight of me set the visible of cd fld 2 to not the visible of cd fld 2 end mouseUp -- part 15 (field) -- low flags: 01 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=6 top=214 right=239 bottom=77 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 65535 -- font id: 20 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 8192 -- line height: 12 -- part name: ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp send mouseUp to cd btn 1 end mouseUp -- part 16 (field) -- low flags: 81 -- high flags: 2007 -- rect: left=114 top=208 right=319 bottom=296 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 20 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 13 -- part name: ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp send mouseUp to cd btn 1 end mouseUp -- part 17 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=76 top=243 right=274 bottom=107 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 12145 / 12145 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp set the hilight of me to not the hilight of me set the visible of cd fld 4 to not the visible of cd fld 4 end mouseUp -- part 18 (field) -- low flags: 01 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=6 top=246 right=271 bottom=77 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 65535 -- font id: 20 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 8192 -- line height: 12 -- part name: ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp send mouseUp to cd btn 2 end mouseUp -- part 19 (field) -- low flags: 81 -- high flags: 2007 -- rect: left=114 top=208 right=319 bottom=296 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 20 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 13 -- part name: ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp send mouseUp to cd btn 2 end mouseUp -- part contents for background part 11 ----- text ----- A Publication for the Informed HyperCard User and the Newsletter for the Apple HyperCard User Group • I have had many requests for back issues of WINDOID. If you would like a copy, or copies, please send a self-addressed-stamped-envelope (SASE) to the address listed on THE FORM for each issue. AHUG does not have a mailing list, so we cannot put you on ours. If you would like to receive future issues of WINDOID, please send SASEs, and I will get them out to you as time allows. Thank you for your continued interest in WINDOID. __________________________________________________________ EDITORIAL • David Leffler • Well, finally! Just when people were starting to doubt whether or not WINDOID #6 would ever appear, here it is. We have been very busy getting HyperCard 1.1 out the door, and we wanted to make sure that all the Apple dealers and licensed Apple User Groups had the HyperCard 1.1 Upgrade disk before publication. By now, all Apple dealers definitely have the HyperCard 1.1 Update disk in their stores but they are under no obligation to give it to anyone. However, Apple dealers are the best and I am sure they will do everything possible to make sure their customers are satisfied. HyperCard 1.1 contains many user-requested fixes and enhancements to make your stack use, and creation, just that much more elegant. It contains a READ ME FIRST! stack that outlines the new features and updates your Home card with the new Text Arrows check box and some new Import and Export buttons you have asked for. Additionally, there are new and improved internationalized Phone, Area Codes, and Datebook stacks. We were going to ship a new Home stack but recognized that many people had modified their Home cards. If we shipped a new Home stack, some people would have dragged the new Home into their HyperCard Stacks folder and inadvertently replaced their old Home. We hope you like the way we make the transition easy for you. The Text Arrows check box allows you to choose whether or not you want to use cursor keys in text fields. With the box checked you can use your cursor keys to move about in text fields. If you then want to go from card to card just press the Option key first. Naturally, if the box is not checked, everything works just the way you are used to. For all of you that sent in requests for features and found for us some of the problems we fixed for this release, we offer our thanks. You really made a quality difference! If you want the new release, and believe me you do, bring to your Apple dealer either your original HyperCard Startup, HyperCard & Stacks disks, or the purchase slip for your Macintosh dated after August 11, 1987, and the Upgrade is FREE. Also, if you want to keep your dealer happy, please bring in an INITIALIZED disk for the upgrade. They are not going to give disks away. NOTE: When we enhanced the 1.1 Datebook stack to work with the international HyperCard version, there was a modification that makes a small part of the HyperCard manual tutorial not work properly. When you try to create the To Do stack from the Datebook stack, the entire Datebook stack gets created. This can be a bit disconcerting. The best thing to do is either copy the To Do card and paste it into a new empty stack, or just use the old Datebook stack to do the tutorial. __________________________________________________________ • One last note to Team HackandSlash in Hawaii: Thank you for your outstanding contribution to spreading WINDOID around. I love the format and appreciate the way you have taken WINDOID issues and turned them into interesting and fun stacks. Keep up the good work!  -- part contents for background part 17 ----- text ----- Windoid volume One number Six -- part contents for background part 18 ----- text ----- • edited by David Leffler Lefflershow cd pict -- part contents for card part 15 ----- text ----- about Team Hackinslash -- part contents for background part 19 ----- text ----- volume 1 • number 6 • card 2 • -- part contents for card part 16 ----- text ----- about TEAM HACKINSLASH •WINDOID number 1.6.1 _________________________ • Team Hackinslash is back and is proud to present WINDOID #6 in a Stack. Now don't think we're strutting around resting on our laurels just because David Leffler gave us a pat on the back for our previous work. We're not that sort (besides, we'd never mix our metaphors so shamefully). And just to prove it, we're going to present you with the fruit of John Calhoun's latest labors, the PrintField XCMD, which prints hardcopy of a HyperCard field in its current font, size, justification, height, width, and inseam. It's in the resource fork of this stack, and a handler that invokes it is in the script of this stack. You say you want hardcopy of one of the fields in this stack? Just hold down the option key when you click on it (and keep holding it down until you see the printer dialog box), and make sure you remembered to turn on your printer. How's that for resting on our laurels? Enjoy WINDOID in a Stack #6! _________________________ •WHO IN THE HECK IS TEAM HACKINBERRY? Team Hackinslash (David, you got the name wrong!) used to be a tiny group of Macintosh enthusiasts in Honolulu, HI. But one of our founding members recently went off to Hanover, NH, and so we've become a nationwide Macintosh users' group. (This and official recognition from AHUG all at once!) Now we're hoping we can get one of us shipped to the Galapagos or someplace. _________________________ • WHO'S RESPONSIBLE FOR WINDOID? WINDOID is the newsletter of the Apple HyperCard User's Group in Cupertino--they put it out in printed form (you can get a copy by sending a request with a SASE to AHUG). Then, some kind member of AHUG uploads the text of WINDOID to an electronic bulletin board. Once it hits the outside world it falls into the hands of HyperCard fanatics such as the members of Team Hackinslash. We were so impressed by WINDOID that we wanted to distribute it even further, and we thought a good stack version would make its way into the hands of more HyperCard users. (And we also wanted to see what we could do with HyperTalk.) We've tried to make it clear what comes from AHUG and what comes from Team Hackinslash, so in case something doesn't work as advertised you'll know at whom to bristle. In the first issue of WINDOID in a Stack, we wondered aloud why Apple didn't put WINDOID out in stack form in the first place. After all, we mused to ourselves, they've just published a remarkable application for presenting information, but they're not using it themselves. Paul Foraker, a member of the HyperCard Test Team in Software Quality Assurance, responded to that, writing, "The answer to 'why didn't they do it?' is that we didn't have time to do the kind of job we'd need to do in order to have it go out from Apple, even if we are an unofficial organization at Apple." So, they will presumably keep coming out with WINDOID in text form, and we will presumably continue to make it available in stack form. (And now that we've got the nod from WINDOID's editor, David Leffler, we'll let nothing short of Gordian metaphors get in our way.)  -- part contents for card part 18 ----- text ----- & imMedim Design -- part contents for card part 19 ----- text ----- about ImMEDIUM DESIGN • WINDOID number 1.6.1 _________________________ • Hi. We're a tiny cell of HyperCard sympathists located in North Carolina. We just got here, more or less, and we'll be doing icon & format design for future issues of WINDOID through a bizarre agreement with Team Hackinslash (which, by a strange coincidence, has exactly the same number of members as us). • This rehash of the WINDOID 1.6 stack was originally prepared to show Team H'n'S what we could do; hope you enjoy it. • Coming VERY soon to an online service near you (or, for the peculiarly literal, your phone): WINDOIDs 1.7 and 1.8, in stack form for the first time anywhere (except on Team H's Mac). Both stacks are in the final editing and design stages, so let's do that download thing sometime... • All imMedium Design icons featured in WINDOID stacks are released into the public domain. Use 'em with caution. • If you'd like to contact us for any reason (what the heck, make one up), you can reach us by hardMail at this address: Thomas Wimbish imMedium Design 507 North Spring Street Greensboro NC 27401 